Sea Kayaking
Few have done more to catalog the beauty and technology of kayak than Harvey Golden. The publication of Kayaks of Alaska this year sees yet another contribution in Harvey's monumental life work cataloging and building the traditional boats of the arctic.
Most people like to look at mountain rivers, and bear them in mind; but few care to look at the wind, though far more beautiful and sublime, and though they become at times about as visible as flowing water.
Netarts August 2, 2015 Some Netarts considerations Netarts Bay Oregon is a great area to experience dynamic conditions in a contained environment. That said, there are a few things to keep in mind: Tide -You cannot paddle safely with a led group on Netarts on the ebb. Wind – Netarts, like all the coast, […]
Looking through some old videos, I came upon the inimitable Denise Harrington giving quick introduction to her favorite paddling place- Cape Falcon on the Oregon Coast. Enjoy
Spend a fun day learning to deal with moving water and waves in a safe location at Netarts Bay on the Oregon Coast.
I build replica kayaks because they are pretty, because every traditional kayak I build teaches me about modern ones, because the Greenland hunting kayak imparts a sense of history, even if it’s not my history; and mostly, by simple virtue of proximity, the Greenland kayak conveys a powerful intimacy with […]
The Northwest's Premier, Family Friendly gathering for traditional paddling. Great paddling in a beautiful location with some of the best coaches around. And you can bring the kids!
Icy January day at Netarts. I was still recovering from the flu. The world was deadly grey and the cold had sucked the light out of the sky.
The Golden Gate Sea Kayaking Symposium (GGSKS) is one of the great West Coast gatherings. Held every year in February in San Francisco Bay and the nearby Pacific , it is an event worth attending if at all possible. While Lumpy Waters here in Oregon focuses on waves and rough […]
SSTIKS June 15-17, 2012 South Sound Traditional Inuit Kayaking Symposium (SSTIKS) is a wonderful event held every year in the early summer at Twanoh State Park in Washington; it is the largest kayaking event on the West Coast devoted to paddling with traditional Inuit ((A note on nomenclature. The term Inuit […]
Trip Report – Gentle Rock Gardening at the Three Graces, July 22, 2012 Trip route Proposed Garibaldi Marina – Three Graces- Garibaldi Marina Trip Route Actual Garibaldi Marina – Three Graces- Bay Ocean-Garibaldi Marina Trip Leader(s) & Co-Leaders Leader-Paul Steinberg Co-Leaders– Charles Congdon, Sean Dillon, Jay Hutchins, Bob Hyslop, Dennis […]
What constitutes a perfect day on the water? Hard to say. Sometimes it is an epic survived, sometimes it is glass and stillness and silence. Sometimes it is the company we keep. Today was, if not perfect, very close. Beautiful Fall weather, an almost empty beach, swell and waves just […]
Lumpy Waters is a yearly kayak gathering sponsored by Alder Creek Kayak and Canoe. It is held on the Oregon Coast at Pacific City. The event occurs in the fall and takes its name from the unsettled, but still manageable, state of the sea, which has usually just started to […]
Friday morning I was up early to get in a bit of pre-event paddling. Steve Hufstadter and I had found each other and we went for a quick morning paddle off of the cape; we made our way out to the bell buoy and then a did quick circuit of Haystack Rock. The swell, looked smaller than its forecasted six feet.
And o'er the wide sea, flying without wings, Swift as a sail I pressed upon his track . . .
The Furies - Aeschylus