An Oregon Coast Blog and Kayaking Journal

Things I like

  • Qajaq USA – Spreading the good news and connecting us to the source.
  • Don Beale Paddles – Responsible for so many paddles, even those of some of his competition 😉
  • Qajaq Rolls – – Christopher Crowhurst’s blog. This is a great resource for rolling! Oriented towards Greenland style, but enough there for everyone.

To Do

  • Lumpy Waters Pt. 3 – Done!
  • A Windy day on the Columbia– Done!
  • SSTIKS — Done!
  • GGSKS 2012 – Done!
  • Greenland and other traditional Paddles
  • The history of OOPS
  • Video series
  • Poem on Cape Lookout
  • All that rescue mess
  • Create a trips form for OOPS


You have ideas for blog topics?  Let me know!


Ecce Ego

Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
mi ritrovai per una selva oscura,
ché la diritta via era smarrita.

Summer, 2011
I had just turned 50 and I was looking for a pastime, something that would get me out in the wilds, something with a touch of the extreme; more importantly, something that would connect me to the transcendent . . .

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